A step-by-step course to tackling school catch up and exam stress


Next enrolmentsĀ InĀ November 2024


so you can rest easy at night...

Make change happen

What if you could start to give your child the help they need to tackle exam nerves in the span of just 4 weeks?

Let me rephrase that...

What if, in just 4 weeks, you could start helping your child deal with test and exam anxiety, especially after COVD19?

A toolbox of strategies for you and your child to cope and work together on, in order to rest assured that you are giving your child the tools to feel more confident, which will allow you to sleep better at night, knowing they feel equipped and ready to tackle their studies…

Meaning that you never have to spend your days worrying about whether they are going to be ok at school, or feel anxious about exams again.

If you want to learn how to identify the tools to feel confident about school and you are determined to support them on their journey . . .

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Here's the problem...

You know that in order to help your child feel confident about their school journey, you need strategies that will give you the confidence to support in the way that they need. You've tried tutoring but it doesn't seem to help with the confidence and anxiety issues

You're afraid that...

  • You don’t know how to help them
  • It will push them further away from you when you try
  • They will start to disconnect from school
  • You won’t have time because you work and have other children

But you KNOW you must do something, because:

  • You want to help them to relieve their anxiety
  • You want to prepare them to get through the last few years of school and exams
  • Your relationship is becoming difficult
  • They seem subdued and disconnected
  • They are starting to avoid school or any revision

Instead imagine having time with your children, without the continuous arguments about doing homework and revising for important tests and exams.

How would it feel?

*To know how to support your child's school anxiety

*To give them the tools to empower their learning experience

*To see them relaxed and feeling in control of their studies and revision

All The Tools Your Child Needs To Prepare Them For Successful Exams

I am committed to your child's education. I use logic and inspiration to drive your child's grade back up to where it should be using experienced techniques as a teacher and examiner. 

Now take a moment to imagine yourself...

  • Spending time with your children without the stress of school looming over them
  • Speaking with them about revision without being told to ‘stop asking!’
  • Supporting your child as a team, working together and being their rock
  • Having time together as a family without constant arguments
  • Seeing your child walk into an exam or test without the usual stress and upset beforehand

If you want to learn how to Support your child with their exam worries, I have something for you...

The Mindful Revision Course

The step-by-step programme for parents and children that equips you all with tools and strategies to feel more confident with revision, planning, and exam stress so that you can start to live together more mindfully during the difficult school years.

Students- Take control of your fear of school, exams and tests. I will teach you the formula for you to be mindful, calm and have solid techniques to help you cope, study and perform at your best.

Parents- Learn a thorough way to support your child's learning and feel confident and focused on helping your child through their toughest years at school.

Aligning you together during this time will help support, encourage and tackle the feelings of worry for both you and your child, especially after this past year of change.

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What exactly your teen will learn

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Welcome to the course

Creative brainstorming for revision- Using tools to support your memory and how to create the ultimate revision kit

Understanding parental involvement- How to support and how much to support at home

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Your child's confidence-Supporting their anxieties- Focusing on what elements of study they avoid and how to change this.

Understanding their study strengths- Learning where they are comfortable and why. How to relate this to other subjects

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Study skills + tools for exam success

Your study planning- Revision calendars, Creating your own personal diary of exam dates and relevant preparation times

Parent meeting zoom Prep- We meet on zoom- Discuss your progress, any issues with creating resources and ideas to support Live Q&A 

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Exam answer techniques- How to answer and tackle exam questions. Understanding their structure and expectations.

Mark schemes and papers- Understanding grade boundaries and mark schemes. 

Feedback given to emailed exam questions with Zoom Live Q&A

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Real-time exam practice with me- We go through exam papers in real-time walking through each section.

Refining your exam writing style- Sectioning to remember what goes where and how to learn the structures examiners look for.

How to mark yourself- Using a mark scheme as you write and revise.

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Thinking like an examiner- Understanding what examiners look for and how they interpret your exam scripts

What grade are you now? Look back at where you were and where you are now.

Feeling proud of your achievements- Tracking your improvements and sticking points, and appreciating where you've improved.

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How confident are you? How to hold on to the feeling of achievement and preparing for the exam.

Speaking to your teachers- How to ask for help and support

Parent meeting zoom- We meet again with parents to discuss progress and where you are now.

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Dealing with each exam and the build up to revising. How to determine what to revise and when.

Timetables- Mapping out the months leading up to exams, creating a wall planner.

Forward revision planning- Planning ahead and using your free time to relax without stress. 

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"Thank you so much. He has developed dramatically since seeing you and has grown in confidence... We can't thank you enough."

~Claire Jacobs UK

"She is so much more confident now and loves coming to the sessions. She will be coming when she is at university!"

~Charlotte Marlowe UK


4 Week Course

Next Enrolment Nov 2024


Ā£200 Ā£280

Ā£200 x 3 Equal Payments

Limited Time Offer
Regular price £280 x 3

  • 4 Week Programme 
  • Parent support videos (Worth £400)
  • Over 8 hours of content
  • Zoom call per week (Worth £345)
  • Additional bonus material (Worth £100)
  • 1-1 Feedback per week (Worth £320)
  • Tasks set every week (Worth £100)


Ā£570 Ā£797

Pay Upfront

Limited Time Offer
Regular price £797

  • 4 Week Programme 
  • Parent support videos (Worth £400)
  • Over 8 hours of content
  • Zoom call per week (Worth £345)
  • Additional bonus material (Worth £100)
  • 1-1 Feedback per week (Worth £320)
  • Tasks set every week (Worth £100)



Need some peace of mind?

Book a FREE 30-minute call today to ask any burning questions you have before investing in your child's future